A Happy & Blessed New Year!
Happy Birthday, Marines!
14 September ’24 BOG Meeting
Memorial Day 2024
MCDSA 2024 Reunion
Proposed changes to Constitution & Bylaws
The Passing of Ray Anti


To all members:

As we approach the end of 2022, some may think back to days and years gone by, and in a fit of nostalgia be moved to pull out a box of pictures and news clippings so as to reminisce. If you find that you have photos or newspaper clippings which you would like to share with members of the Marine Corps Distinguished Shooters Association, please know that we would love to have scanned copies to post on our PhotoBucket account for members to enjoy for years to come.

Just email to: jo.mcdsa@gmail.com

(Please note that we do not have any photos of our 2012, 2015, or 2019 Reunions.)

Happy New Year, and

Semper Fi!



BOG meeting rescheduled

The December Board of Governors (BOG) meeting has been rescheduled and will now be held 07 January 2023. Details for our 2023 Reunion (currently scheduled for 01 April 2023) will be discussed and solidified at the January meeting, after which the specifics concerning our 2023 Reunion will be disseminated to MCDSA members via email. If any members have concerns or questions that they want addressed at the January meeting, please contact MCDSA President Danny Burke. Also, remember that contact information for members of the Board can be found by clicking on “Board of Governors” in the drop-down menu found under the “About Us” tab at the top of your web page.


FY 2023 CIAP – MCMC Far East

The MCMC Far East is the second of the five scheduled regional competitions in the Marine Corps Marksmanship Competitions (MCMC) line-up. (All of the competitions are coordinated and facilitated by the Marine Corps Shooting Team.) The Far East competition is scheduled to take place 05 – 16 December 2022, with live-fire training days scheduled 05 – 15 December, and the Awards ceremony slated for 16 December 2022. Registration is no later than (NLT) 04 December 2022, with the hosting unit being the Formal Marksmanship Training Center, Marine Corps Installations (MCI) Pacific aboard Camp Hansen, Okinawa.

Note: The two-week training package is detailed in our post entitled FY 2023 CIAP Kicks Off