A Happy & Blessed New Year!
Happy Birthday, Marines!
14 September ’24 BOG Meeting
Memorial Day 2024
MCDSA 2024 Reunion
Proposed changes to Constitution & Bylaws
The Passing of Ray Anti

General Al Gray, Jr. – RIP

General Al Gray, Jr. in Colonel Willis’ office at MTU  WTBn  Quantico


A Moment with “The Man”

(Reflections from Colonel D.J. Willis)

The word comes down, “CMC will visit WTBN on Friday.”

Everything is put into high gear! Nothing is overlooked. Our Leader lands and proceeds to the Col’s office for a sit-down rest and a cup of coffee.  His first question…”Are you getting everything you need to place winning teams on the firing lines?” His second question…”Is Marine Marksmanship on the right track?” Within minutes, he has nailed the critical points for all concerned. Once again, he has demonstrated he is our Leader, and he stands ready to guide and support us.

Feeling comfortable with the meeting, Col Willis asked the General a question: “Sir, now that you are nearing the end of your tour as the 29th CMC, is there any one thing that stands out in your memory while serving as the CMC?” The General never hesitated…he said, “Yes there is.  I will always remember the smell of fresh paint. Where ever I went, everything had just been painted.” Col Willis assured the General that every drop of paint applied was done with the utmost respect and admiration.

The General just smiled…the meeting was over.

General A.M. Gray, Jr.
Born:  22 June 1928 – Rahway, New Jersey
Died:  20 March 2024 – Alexandria, Virginia
29th CMC:  1 July 1987 – 30 June 1991
41 years in the USMC
95 years old upon his death


RSVP NLT 26 April 2024

Our 04 May MCDSA Reunion/Cookout is fast approaching!


Please look at your calendars and make plans to join the ranks of those who have already provided an RSVP for our upcoming REUNION IN UNIONVILLE, VA.



Our chow will be catered by Mission BBQ so that all members have the freedom to kick back and enjoy the camaraderie and the vittles. There will be a Silent Auction and 50/50, as well as an MCDSA Reunion photo, and the opportunity to purchase miniature Distinguished Pins and our recently-minted MCDSA coffee cups and mugs.



Donations for the Silent Auction will be gratefully accepted!


In-advance ticket purchase for those with a current Membership and their guests:

$30/per person

Make your advance payment by sending it to:


PO Box 134

Quantico, VA  22134

Day-of-Event ticket purchase for those with a current Membership and their guests:

$35/per person


Note:  Whether you pay for your tickets in advance, or you buy your tickets on the 4th of May (i.e. Day-of-Event ticket purchase),

PLEASE  RSVP  NLT 26 April 2024


Those in arrears on their membership dues can bring their membership current, purchase tickets and attend with their guests. Please contact Danny Burke (MCDSA President) to get that done.


Here is a breakdown of the day’s schedule:

1000 – Dedicated Volunteers Set Up

1200 – Arrival of Guests/Cocktails/Social Gathering/Bids on Silent Auction/50-50 raffle ticket purchase/purchase of MCDSA mugs, cups, and miniature Distinguished Badges

1400 – Shared Blessing/Chow served

1500 – Introductions

1600 – MCDSA Photo

1630 – Silent Auction Winners Announced

1700 – 50/50 and Special Raffle Winners Announced

1730 – Cleanup/Breakdown of Tables, Chairs/Tents

1800 – Secure

(Note: If you plan on bringing an RV or Camper, please coordinate with Leslie Cook.)


BOG Meeting 23 March 2024

BOG Meeting 23 March 2024 at WTBn Quantico

If any MCDSA members have questions or concerns that they want the Board of Governors to address, please correspond with a member of the Board of Governors (whose names and email addresses are listed on this website under the “Board of Governors” link which is found under the “About us” tab).

Thank you!