Mark Your Calendars & Start Planning!!
A Happy & Blessed New Year!
Happy Birthday, Marines!
14 September ’24 BOG Meeting
Memorial Day 2024
MCDSA 2024 Reunion
Proposed changes to Constitution & Bylaws

Mark Your Calendars & Start Planning!!

2025 MCDSA Reunion

Saturday  —  17 May 2025


We will be holding our 2025 Reunion/Cookout at Randy Allen’s Bittersweet Farm in Unionville, VA (near Lake Anna). This will be the 3rd year that Randy has hosted our event.  Recently he and Leslie built a large pavilion capable of seating everyone (see pictures below). No more tents to set up and tear down!



Our Reunion will again be catered by Mission Bar-B-Q. (We took note of the chow that went fast last year, and have adjusted the quantities to suit our appetites.)  When making your plans, please keep in mind that we need to provide the final numbers to Mission Bar-B-Q  NLT 9 May 2025.

The cost of entry to this year’s event will be $30.00 for Life Members and Annual Members (in good standing).  Please send your RSVP for the Reunion and your check to:   MCDSA, P.O. Box 134, Quantico, VA 22134.

***Please respond early enough so that we have your RSVP in time to meet the 9 May deadline for ordering our chow.***

A lot of preparations have already started, and now all you have to do is add the weekend of 17 May 2025 to your calendar. We will still have the silent auction if you have any items to donate to the Association, and there will be Door Prizes and 50/50 Raffle Tickets. We will also have copies of the “Red Book” Vol. I and Vol. II available for purchase (…get them autographed while at the Reunion!) and Fraternal Items will also be available.

If you plan on bringing an RV or Camper, please coordinate with Leslie or Randy (their #s are listed in our Membership Directory) — this reunion will be a great opportunity to hang out for a few days!

Commercial lodging is available in Culpepper which is about 20 to 22 miles away from the Reunion/Cookout site.

And, for those who might be interested, Randy will set up his grill Friday evening for anyone wanting to bring their own grub to throw on the Bar-B (with maybe a side to share?) and we’ll sit by the bonfire and tell war stories.
