Memorial Day 2024
MCDSA 2024 Reunion
Proposed changes to Constitution & Bylaws
The Passing of Ray Anti
UPDATE: 4 May Reunion/Cookout
General Al Gray, Jr. – RIP
RSVP NLT 26 April 2024
BOG Meeting 23 March 2024

A Word of Thanks!

Many thanks to those who have sent, or will be sending “Get Well!” cards to Coach Carlson (who is recovering from a stroke which he suffered on 17 June). Coach Carlson’s Wife says that he loved the many cards sent to him!! “Thank you!” to all for sending encouraging words and thoughts to him as it will no doubt help to fuel his resolve as he continues to improve with constant therapy in the hospital. …word has it that he stood for the first time earlier this week — so thank you, and many blessings on our Association Members who have rallied and responded with their support!

Semper Fi!